Lose Baby Weight Fast - The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan

Do You Need Someone to Help and Motivate You To Lose Your Baby Weight...

"Having a Baby Changes Your Life, It Can Be a Wonderful But Also An Incredibly Lonely Experience and Coping With it All on Your Own is a Big Challenge.

You've Got to Learn So Much So Fast About Babies and Childcare, Never mind Coping With The Changes to Your Body and Simple Everyday Life.

But I Have a Solution For You... We Can Help Put Your Body Right!

Dear new mom

Do you love the thought of getting back in to your pre pregnancy clothes in just weeks instead of months or even years after having your baby, but you just can't seem to get motivated on your own...

Well, don't worry, we can help you...

Take a moment or two to read all of this letter to find out how we will motivate you, encourage you and support you in to getting back in to great shape...

Every step of the way!

You Don't Have To Face This On Your Own Any More, Let Us Share Your Journey and Help You to Succeed

It seems to be the norm these days that you're expected to lose the weight you've gained during your pregnancy in just a few days.

It's like once you've had your baby, everyone thinks that you should 'SPRING' back in to shape as if by magic.

And YES, it's probably something you'd love to happen to you if you're being completely honest abou it,

But the truth is, it's yet another thing you've got to figure out how to do on your own.

Losing weight can be difficult at the best of times, but when you have a new born baby to take care of at the same time, it can seem like too much of an uphill battle.

And that's a shame.

Because right after having a baby is one of the only times in your life when your body is well and truly primed for weight loss.

Your hormones literally turn you in to a fat burning furnace.

You've Been Designed to Recover as Fast as Possible After the Trauma of Child Birth...

You're Genetically Built That Way... EVERY Woman Has This Potential.

Unfortunately most women don't know about this GOLDEN opportunity or haven't got the support or the motivation to make use of this very powerful phase in your life.

It isn't a great time to be giving yourself a new challenge, that's true...

But IF YOU CAN manage childcare and the rebuilding and shaping of your body at the same time, then it's no exaggeration to say that you really could get yourself in to the best shape of your entire life.

If you doubt what I say, just have a read through a few of the testimonials on the first page of this site from everyday new moms, exactly like you...

They got in to fantastic shape because of what they learnt.

Anyway, I'm digressing from the reason for me writing this letter. I'm sure you've already had a look through the site and you understand how 'The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan' could transform your life, helping you to...

  • Build your confidence 
  • Give you more energy 
  • Make you feel more sexy and attractive 
  • Helping you to be a much happier person who's more patient and affectionate with everyone around you... 

But above all...

Making You Feel Like a Woman Again... Your Own Person.

Not Just a 24 Hour a Day Carer, Cleaner and Cook!

Just because you've had a baby, it doesn't mean that you have to give up being a woman. Giving up all sense of pride and femininity.

You've just entered a different phase of your life, that's all.

One where you're now responsible for another human being, but still to yourself.

You still have to look after YOU.

After all, don't you think you'd be a better mother, wife, partner, person, if you felt really, really good about yourself?

I know the answer to this, I see it all the time.

But what do you think?

Of course you would... who wouldn't.

I'm lucky I suppose, I see the outcome of the actions and techniques that I use with all my one to one clients.

I see the changes.

I can honestly say without doubt that EVERY new mom client we are lucky enough to work through 'The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan' together, undergoes an amazing transformation...

The changes in the way they look, feel and act after regaining their figure and pride in their appearance and the way others think about them are amazing.

Other people can see they can cope, they're in control, they're happy and content.

In fact this was the very reason why I wrote the eBooks you've already read about... to give more new moms the chance to feel the benefits of looking great and claiming back their body after having children.

The results you've seen are from ordinary, everyday women who simply followed my advice.

The eBooks are fantastic, and if you feel confident in following them yourself, then you'll get great results, I guarantee it.

But If You're Not Totally Sure About Doing it on Your Own, There is Another Way I Can Help You...

I realise that following a training manual isn't for everyone. Some people need a bit more support, motivation and guidance.

So this is why I've decided to let my own trainers help you too.

We can personally help you to get in to great shape after having your baby

My team and I are NOW available to hold your hand through your workouts and your entire 8 week recovery.

We're here to motivate and encourage you to getting back in to shape.

We'll be your shoulder to cry on and the person that you can turn to when celebrating and congratulating you about the changes you'll be seeing along the way.

You'll work with us in the same way our one to one clients do.

  • We'll monitor your progress... 
  • Set you goals and objectives 
  • We'll be there to answer any problems or difficulties you may or may not have... 
  • Or just simply be there for you. 

We know from our experience how hard bringing a new life in to the world can be.

Add to that your own physical and psychological recovery and it's no wonder very few women ever look good again after having children.

But We Can Help You...

My team are experts in this field

Don't forget, these are the same trainers who work with our own one to one clients in the UK. You can find out a little more about my personal training company here -www.anewimage.co.uk

Just take a quick look if you have the time, so you can see that I'm a genuine, qualified and experienced personal trainer... and so are my team.

If you have a dig around the site, you'll be able to read a bit about us all.

We're a small but very friendly and dedicated team who (without wishing to sound big headed, in any way) get fantastic results from the wonderful clients we're privileged to work with.

I AM NOT an internet entrepreneur who's only goal is to make his next buck, no matter how he does it or who he rips off in the process!

We are a caring, honest and above all successful team who thrive on the results YOU, our clients get when you let us help you to achieve your dreams...

Here in a Nutshell Are the Ways That We Can Help You To Get Rid Of Your Bouncing Baby Belly...

Silver Package

After an initial phone call to discuss what you need, we will explain everything to you, from then on you'll get full email support over the entire 8 weeks to help you to work through the program. You can email us daily or weekly... It's up to you.

You'll send us updates, ask questions or just plain brag to us about how well you're doing.

In the unlikely event that you struggle or lose motivation, you can be sure we're there to help keep you on track and making progress...

Remember, that you'll get as much email support as you can handle over the entire 8 weeks, anything you need, just drop us a line... No limits.. we're there to help you.

TOTAL COST = $299.00 

Gold Package

Following your initial free phone call we'll provide you with: -

Full email support for the entire 8 weeks

One 30 minute phone call every week for 8 weeks, to share your success stories, iron out any problems and set new targets etc.

It's a great opportunity to clear up any difficulties you may have, discuss ways to speed up your progress or just to have someone there listening to you so you can share your success or have a shoulder to cry on when life just gets in the way.

Your own personal trainer will set you weekly targets and weight loss goals to help boost your motivation and speed up your progress.

TOTAL COST = $699.00

Well That's How We Can Help You... What Do You Think?

Of course you could go down the route of hiring a personal trainer to work with you in person, but believe me it's difficult to make it work, you need a very understanding trainer.

I know, I've been there.

What happens if you're trainer arrives, but you can't get your baby to sleep, or they just won't stop crying, meaning you've got to just nurse them for the hour.

An hour that you've just paid $100.00 for.

No, it just doesn't work. You can't be as structured or rigid as that. Sometimes, your baby plain and simply needs your 100% attention.

This is why my system works so well.

You can rearrange your calls or write your emails when you like, but you've still got a real person at the other end giving you all the support and motivation you need.

But let's just suppose you did manage to muddle through and book an extremely patient personal trainer who could manage to meet you whenever you wanted at your home.

By the way that's the way it normally works, they'll come to your house.

So if you haven't had the chance to clean up recently, that's another thing you'll need to do first.

Do you really want a total stranger coming in to your house with the smell of dirty nappies and the build up of the last few weeks of dust everywhere?

But Let's Say You Did Decide to Hire a Personal Trainer to Work With You Over the Next 8 Weeks...

How Much Would That Really Cost You?

Well, at an average cost of $100.00 per hour for 2 sessions a week for a run of the mill trainer, you'd be looking at spending $1,600.00 in total.

But for this you wouldn't get all of the manuals and training tools we'll give you... or the support.

Most trainers just don't work that way.

What they'll generally do is simply turn up at your door each week to work you through their workouts...

No planning, no goal setting, just a workout!

With us, you get all the support, guidance and motivation you need AND all the training manuals are also yours free to keep.

And What's More, I'll Even Guarantee Your Success.

If at the end of the 8 Weeks you don't think we've been worth every cent. Let me know and you can have everything you've spent back.

It's as simple as that!

Your Purchase Is Fully Covered By PayPals Refund Policy

I really want you to be 100% satisfied with the service we offer you, so let me remove any doubt from your mind...

Book your place today and actually follow our action plan and dietary advice for 8 weeks, if you're not fully satisfied with our service and you think we've not been worth every single cent, just send me an email requesting a refund and I will refund 100% of your money - straight away!

No Questions Asked!

I am proud to offer you a no-hassle, 60 day money back guarantee. I don’t want you to pay for something that you don’t feel is worth the money.



And if you DO decide that it's just not working for you, I want you to keep the program and all of the special bonuses (worth $164.98) as my way of saying "Thanks for giving us the chance to work with you"



 Guarantee Seal



NO QUESTIONS…no gimmicky rules or requirements, just follow our advice.

So What Do You Need To Do Next?

Well if you'd like to work with us, the first thing you need to do is to email me here for more information - jago@anewimage.co.uk

You aren't committing yourself to anything at this time, but at least you'll be able to find out more, so you can read through it in your own time.

Or you can book your place NOW by clicking on the PayPal button below and we'll get in touch with you within the next 24 hours to get you started on your journey to a better, thinner and happier you.

Just To ReCap...

Silver Package
= Initial free phone consultation and unlimited email support over the next 8 weeks

For the Silver Package ($299.99) click below to secure your place

Gold Package
= Initial free phone consultation and unlimited email support over the next 8 weeks and one 30 minute phone consultation every week for 8 weeks.

For the Gold Package ($699.00) click below to secure your place

If you'd like to have a chat with us first to discuss your options please feel free to contact us by email and then we'll arrange a convenient time to call you. You can reach us here: -

No Thanks, I'd just like to use the system on my own to get rid of my baby belly fast for just $75.99 $29.99 - Click here

P.S. Places are very limited, we can only take on a few new clients every month, so if you're interested, please send us an email straight away to find out more or alternatively you can GUARANTEE your place now by making your payment above for the option of your choice.

P.P.S. Please remember, the same guarantee I place on everything we do, from in house one to one training, to my new 'Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan' eBook applies to YOU now. If at anytime you don't feel that we are offering you the service you want, let me know and I'll refund everything you've spent.

P.P.P.S. Don't worry if these options seem a little out of your budget, you can still order my fantastic weight loss plan for new moms for just $75.99 $29.99 and use it on your own by clicking here - Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan, you'll still get amazing results fast.